“Unlike other prophets, Amos was not a man whose life was devoted to hearing and speaking the Word of the Lord. He was no product of the “schools of prophets,” nor a professional “seer.” He left his flock for a limited period, at the command of God, to deliver a specific message at Bethel. That done, he presumably returned to his sheep-tending at Tekoa.”
—Herbert F. Stevenson
1. The pronouncement of judgment against eight nations. Amos 1:3
a. Damascus. Amos 1:3-5
b. Gaza. Amos 1:6-8
c. Tyre. Amos 1:9, 10
d. Edom. Amos 1:11, 12
e. Ammon. Amos 1:13-15
f. Moab. Amos 2:1-3
g. Judah. Amos 2:4, 5
h. Israel. Amos 2:6-16
2. The reminder from God of His past mercies.
a. Amos 2:9-11
3. The authority and reasons for the judgment of Israel.
a. Amos 3:3, 7, 13-15
b. Amos 4:1,11
c. Amos 5:14-15, 21-23
4. The five visions of judgment.
a. Vision 1: The Locusts. – Judgment restrained by God’s mercy. Amos 7:1-3
b. Vision 2: The Fire. – Destruction withheld again. Amos 7:4-6
c. Vision 3: The Plumb Line. – God’s standard of righteousness. Amos 7:7 9
d. Vision 4: The Basket of Ripe Fruit. – Israel’s time of judgment has come. Amos 8:1-3,11