God’s Purpose in Hosea’s Ministry:
1. God asks Hosea to marry a prostitute by the name of Gomer.
a. Hosea 1:2
2. To illustrate the kind of people the Israelites have become.
3. To illustrate the kind of God that God is
Overview of Hosea:
1. The need for the knowledge of God.
a. Hosea 4:1
2. The lack of the knowledge of God’s Word.
a. Hosea 4:6
3. The Lord loves those He disciplines and blesses those who acknowledge Him.
a. Hosea 6:1-3
4. The Lord wants relationship, not religion; adoration, not obligation; love, not duty.
a. Hosea 6:6
5. The Lord won’t cover over what we cover up.
a. Hosea 7:1-3
6. The Lord warns about living a “mixed life.”
7. The Lord warns about transgressing against His Covenant.
a. Hosea 8:1-6
8. The Lord warns about forgetting about reaping what we sow.
a. Hosea 8:7
9. The Lord warns that a divided heart is a defeated life.
a. Hosea 10:2-12
b. Hosea 11:1-11
c. Hosea 12:1-8
d. Hosea 13:1-11
Take Aways:
1. Like Gomer, we are all guilty of unfaithfulness to God.
2. God never stops loving us. He takes an active role in pursuing us.
a. Hosea 3:1
b. Jeremiah 31:3
c. Hosea 2:14a
3. Sometimes the wilderness is the only place we can really hear God.
a. Hosea 2:14b
b. Hosea 1:10b
c. Hosea 14:7-9