Thread of the Covenants 2
1. A covenant in the ancient world was similar to what we in the modern world would call a contract, treaty, or will.
Meaning of the Names of the Seth to Noah
1. Man appointed mortal sorrow (The fall of man).
2. The blessed God shall come down teaching (Torah given to Moses).
3. His death shall bring the despairing rest and comfort (death of Jesus and fulfillment of Matt 11:28-29)
The Days of Noah
The biblical account of Noah begins in Genesis 6. Approximately 1600 years have passed since the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26-17).
As the earth's population exploded in number, it also exploded with evil.
Earth's Population During the Days of Noah
1. Some estimate a pre-Flood population of more than 2 billion. Although it is difficult to obtain an actual value of world population at the time of the flood, 5 to 17 billion people would appear to be reasonable populations, with an average of around 10 billion.
Noahic Covenant
1. The Noahic Covenant has several distinguishing features. First, it is an unconditional I covenant. Second, it was made to Noah and all his descendants as well as "every living creature" and the earth in general (Genesis 9:8-10). Third, it was sealed with a sign, the rainbow.
2. When the ark of "Gopher" wood (mentioned only here) was at length completed, according to the command of the Lord, the living creatures that were to be preserved were sent by God to the ark and entered into it.
3. The judgment threatened now fell on the guilty world, "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, Perished" (2 Peter 3:6). The ark floated on the waters for 150 days and then rested on the mountains of Ararat.
4. As a sign and witness of this covenant, the rainbow was adopted and set apart by God, as a sure pledge that never again would the Earth be destroyed by a flood.
Terah the father of Abraham
1. Terah is known in the Bible as the father of Abram (known later as Abraham), who in turn received the covenant promise of God regarding the future birth of
His Son, Jesus. Terah is mentioned in Jesus's genealogy in Luke 3:34.