Spiritual Growth

Dec 29, 2024    Pastor Steve Knight


1. Naaman learned the process of  spiritual transformation.

2 Kings 5:10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” 

There was initial resistance . 

2 Kings 5:11 But Naaman became furious, and went away and said, “Indeed, I said to myself, ‘He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leprosy.’ 

Then there was humility that led to his healing. 

Spiritual growth requires faith and trust in God’s processes. 

2 Kings 5:14 So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. 

Complacency emerges when we expect immediate results without persistence, which leads to frustration and stagnation. 

Spiritual growth involves repeated and consistent acts of faith. 

2 Kings 5:17-18 So Naaman said, “Then, if not, please let your servant be given two mule-loads of earth; for your servant will no longer offer either burnt offering or sacrifice to other gods, but to the LORD. [18] Yet in this thing may the LORD pardon your servant: when my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand, and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon-when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the LORD please pardon your servant in this thing.”

2. Elisha proved the process of trusting God’s power instead of himself. 

2 Kings 5:15-16 And (Naaman) returned to the man of God, he and all his aides, and came and stood before him; and he said, “Indeed, now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel; now therefore, please take a gift from your servant.” 16 But he said, “As the LORD lives, before whom I stand, I will receive nothing.” And he urged him to take it, but he refused. 

Spiritual growth develops when we recognize and glorify God’s power rather than seeking personal credit. 

A spiritual plateau can occur when pride and self-reliance replace dependence on God.

3. Gehazi showed the danger of complacency and becoming plateaued. 

2 Kings 5:20-21a But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, “Look, my master has spared Naaman this Syrian, while not receiving from his hands what he brought; but as the LORD lives, I will run after him and take something from him.” 21 So Gehazi pursued Naaman… 

Spiritual complacency can lead to justifying small compromises, while a plateau can make us vulnerable to sinful desires. 

2 Kings 5:21b-23 …When Naaman saw (Gehazi) running after him, he got down from the chariot to meet him, and said, “Is all well?” 22 And he said, “All is well. My master has sent me, saying, ‘Indeed, just now two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to me from the mountains of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two changes of garments.’” 23 So Naaman said, “Please, take two talents.” And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of garments, and handed them to two of his servants; and they carried them on ahead of him. 

Greed and dishonest self-serving behavior stagnate growth and bring  consequences.

2 Kings 5:27 Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever.” And he went out from his presence leprous, as white as snow.